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"You can ask why the kids [IN DARE] are in such a hurry to experience adult feelings... All is answered in the nuanced performances of this exceptional cast. They capture perfectly a generation with nothing to rebel against except their self-imposed inhibitions. By being keenly perceptive, director Salky stacks up countless priceless moments in crafting teen romance with a decidedly modern spin. In Dare, the kids do what they need to do to become the adults they should”  - John Cooper, DIRECTOR, THE SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL


"Dare, true to its name, strikes out in some risky new directions. This high school semi-romance, which blends comic and tearful moods, is at once more provocative and more contemplative than most of its big-screen counterparts. 

There is a lot of intelligence, and considerable daring, in the basic conceit. You might say that Mr. Salky and Mr. Brind (screenwriter) have tried to combine John Hughes with Rainer Werner Fassbinder, an effort that is much less crazy, and far more persuasive, than it might sound." - A.O. Scott, THE NEW YORK TIMES


"TOP TEN FILM OF 2009!” “One of the smartest and most honest teen films in years.  - Rafer Guzman, NY NEWSDAY


"Dare," a smart and well-observed entry in the genre, is a cut above the usual hijinks. What elevates "Dare" above the usual high school fare is the quality of the writing by David Brind, crisp direction by Adam Salky and a uniformly attractive and compelling cast led by the delightful Emmy Rossum” - James GreenBerg, THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER


"FOUR STARS. What might otherwise be an exercise in ordinary adolescent stories turns powerfully intimate through the wonderful performances that Salky coaxes out from the cast.” - FILM THREAT



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